Monday, January 10, 2011

To My New Beloved D-Fam

I do realize its really freaking late and that I have school tomorrow but I wanted to take the time to let you all know how extremely happy I am to have met all of you guys. You all have been so welcoming and I love you so much for that. Never have I felt this welcomed by anyone. I have never made friends really easily. I know I'm sure that is EXTREMELY hard to believe but when I was young up until high school I didn't have any friends. I was weird and noone fully understood me. Even in high school I could count my friends on one hand. College has broadened my friends but I still just have some friends close to me and everyone else I don't see very often. For the first time, I have a group ( A GROUP!) of people I talk to every day or check in on. You have no idea how much it means to me to have you guys there, to be included in jokes, or if I miss something I am let in on whatever is going on. Everyday that gets closer to next fall makes me more and more excited because I really feel as if this is what I am meant to do. Not because it's my dream, but because I have people who accept me for who I am and who will be there with me in that journey that I'm looking forward to. I love you my D-fam and I just wanted you guys to know how much you really mean to me. Now, it is late and I must get some sleep before my big day tomorrow! Thanks again guys. I care about you so much. Never ever forget it!


  1. Awwww Hill!!! Schucks!! I feel so Special!!!! :)

  2. :) This makes me very happy. I love you and the D-fam too!

  3. After you commented on my post I realized I never commented on yours.

    But we basically went through the same thing, so I know how you felt and you feel after becoming a part of this "Family" but I wanna say We all love you too Hillary. <3
