Friday, February 11, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 12!

Day 12
Favorite Disney Parade!
SO EASY! By far my favorite parade would be the Magic Kingdom's trolley show! I always make sure I see it every time I go to the parks. I love the energy, the costumes, and the songs that are performed! My favorite part would have to be when they sing the Trolley Song from Meet Me in St. Louis. I love that song! This parade really warms my heart like none of the other parades can. Also, if I get character performer, this would be my DREAM spot to work. NERD ALERT: I may know the choreography already. :X!

30 Day Challenge: Day 11!

Day 11
Favorite Fireworks Show!

Hands down Wishes would be my favorite firework show. There is nothing like it! You stand in front of the Castle you think of anytime you hear Disney, backed up with gorgeous music, timed with beautiful lights reflected on the castle, and amazingly timed fireworks to go with it. There, in my opinion is nothing better. I swear, the ending of wishes always makes my heart beat faster anytime I hear it. Don't believe me? I watch the end of it on youtube just to hear the last of it! Its so inspiring and it really gets me everytime. I honestly feel like I'm 5 years old again everytime I see it. It makes me believe in my dreams. Amazing that a show can do something like that.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 10!

Day 10
Favorite Disney Song!
Ok I know I skipped yesterday, but you have to understand how hard this topic has been for me. There are SO many songs that I love. SO MANY! I have been thinking about what song IS my favorite, but I honestly cannot pick one. I know! I'm totally coping out but instead I think I shall make a list of some songs I die for.

1. Part of Your World- The Little Mermaid
2. I See The Light- Tangled
3. So Close- Enchanted
4. Home- Beauty and the Beast (from the musical btw!)
5. Almost There- The Princess and the Frog
6. Poor Unfortunate Souls- The Little Mermaid
7. Go the Distance- Hercules
8. What's This?- The Nightmare Before Christmas
9. I Won't Say I'm in Love- Hercules
10. There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow- The Carousel of Progress

There are 10. I wanted to make it even so I threw in a song from an attraction! And of course the songs are in red because I LOVE them all! :D I know I'm a dork, but I think its appropriate! And it's my blog so there!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 9!

Day 9!
Favorite Classic Disney Character!
Oh Minnie! How I love her so. I think one of my favorite parts about Minnie would be he sweet voice that she has. Its just makes you want to hug her! If I was short enough, I think I would love to be really good friends with Minnie. I'm certain when I leave Disney, I will have a slew of Minnie ears to last me at least 2 lifetimes. My grand children will not be wishing they had a pair!

Sorry these posts are really short.But there's not a lot I can say other than why I like the character! I'm certain there will be some more in depth posts very soon.

Monday, February 7, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 8!

Day 8!
Favorite Disney Villain!
I knew exactly what today's entry was before I even looked it up. This have been a blog I have been excited to write about. Favorite villain! And of course Hades would be my favorite. Of all the Disney villains, he is so sarcastic. He's really one of the only villains that make me laugh, constantly. And honestly, he's voiced by James Woods. How can you not go wrong there! Hades is incredibly witty and quick and I think thats why I like him so much.Another thing I do enjoy about him is that he's semi bipolar which also plays into comedy a lot. He will go from his extreme temper back to calm and collect. Lastly, who doesn't love some fire? Doesn't that just make EVERYTHING better? I rest my case.
In other news other than villains, I still have not recieved my acceptance email/ Purple Folder. Last Monday there were not acceptance emails so I think it may be the same thing today. With that being said! I am hoping for tomorrow because it marks my 2 weeks from my interview! Everything will be fine. Not going to freak out until I hear something set in stone. Waiting is a pain, but as they say, good things come to those who wait! Now today is going to be a super busy day filled with a 50's party, rehearsal, and a photo shoot! I think I will add another entry with pictures from the photo shoot if they are good. Until then kids!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 7!

Day 7!
Favorite Disney Sidekick!
I was excited to post about this one! Pascal from Tangled would be my pick. He's very loyal to Rapunzel. You may not see him in every scene but you know he's there with her. He sticks up for Rapunzel. Ok ok he may have the Napoleon syndrome a little when it comes to Flynn Rider, but he's just trying to make sure his lady is alright you know. Probably my favorite part about Pascal is that he doesn't say a word. Honestly, characters who don't talk sometimes are the ones to say the most. You know exactly how they feel on certain subject when those who do talk sometimes are more subtle in how they feel. And of course sir Pascal is not afraid to let someone know how he feels. Strong opinions. And lastly, lets face it, He's just so darn cute!

Here's a video of my sidekick. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 6!

Day 6!
Favorite Disney Animal
Alright I've gotta go with the Muppet Bunnies. My god they are so freaking cute you just can't help but love them! One of the reasons I love them so much is because they can show emotion really well. If you're confused as to what I'm talking about with watch this video. And no, I'm not talking about the REALLY big bunny. The tiny ones like the picture above. Ah. So freaking adorable.

Friday, February 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 5!

Oops! Skipped a day! but thats alright. Things happen. I got distracted with Tokbox last night. but I think that's a good excuse if you ask me!

Day 5!
Favorite Disney Hero
It's GOTTA be Herc with all of his rippling pectorals.I love Hercules.I think he is a such a fun hero. He's so awkward in the beginning that its a true ugly duck scenario. I think thats why I love the character so much. And that Meg makes him a complete bumbling idiot. And come on! The one thing he wanted was to be a God and rejoin his family, but he gave it up for her. Amazing. Heart of gold that strapping young man has! So that is why Herc is my favorite. Oh and the fact that he has his own action figure. :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 4!

Day 4
Favorite Disney Prince
My favorite prince has to be the Beast. I find it so interesting that he doesn't technically have a name. Maybe that's what makes him so mysterious. Only kidding! The reason he's my favorite is because of his story. He's one of the only Prince's that actually have a real challenge, changing themselves. I don't know about you but changing who you are for the better takes a lot of determination. Thats why I find him so captivating compared to any of the other princes. They all seem to be just another pretty face honestly. And I dunno about you ladies, but I like more than just that. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 3!

Day 3!
Favorite Disney Heroine

I love Beauty and the Beast. Its definitely one of my top favorite Disney animated movies. I think that Belle is one of the strongest Disney Princesses. Shes never really a damsel in distress through anything she deals with everything with patience and grace. I also like that she doesn't really know that she's a heroine until the spell is broken. She goes back to the castle for the one she loves to make sure he's safe. By doing that she saves all of the characters from the spell. Sigh. She does make me happy. So thats why she is my favorite!

Monday, January 31, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 2!

Favorite Disney Princess

Now This entry is a little easier than yesterday. Because, well I've already talked about Rapunzel in a post before. I love this new fresh faced princess. She has so much joy in life! Not only that but she really doesn't have that teen angst that others do. Of course she struggles with problems with her mother, but she doesn't dare fight unless its warranted. I think thats another reason it makes her so strong. And seriously, what girl doesn't love to identidy herself with a princess?! Hillary's been stuck in San Angelo for 23 years waiting for something to begin, Rapunzel's been waiting in her tower for 18 straight years doing the same! Hillary's been waiting for a dream to come true for year and years and so has Rapunzel. Come on now! Why wouldn't she be my favorite?!?!?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My 30 day challenge- DAY 1!!!

Since my interview is over and done with, I wanted to start the 30 day challenge to help the waiting process move along. Now I know I interviewed last Tuesday and I should have started this much sooner, but I didn't have the list. But! Now I do! One more thing before I begin said challenge. I will probably be mixing the 2 lists together. There are some on this list that are more difficult for me to answer, and the same with the other list. SO! I will just make my own list! :)

SO! Day 1!
Favorite Disney Character

I'm going to have to give it to Jessie from Toy Story. I was having difficulties between her and Tinker Bell. But I shall explain why I picked Jessie. I love characters with depth. Tinker Bell only shows one emotion at a time and the only depth in the original Peter Pan that she shows would be her love for Peter. Hence, Jessie! He back story is truly truly tragic but heartfelt. It pushed her through the story to grow into a better person in the end, by trusting she can love someone again. She understands that there may be hear ache in this decision but because she has such a big heart she decides to give her heart to Andy. And come on! When She Loved Me is a beautiful song. I actually audition with that song. It has such sad undertones but at the same time it speaks of her love and joy that she shared with Emily.

There we are! My first challenge day complete! Its short and sweet and to the point. As I suppose a challenge blog should be.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Anything Your Heart Desires Will Come To You

So today was the say that I have been waiting for. My phone interview. Now I did not prepare for my interview. The closest thing I got to preparing was watching a couple of people's vlog on their youtube channels and talking to people about their interviews to see how they went. So About 10:00pm last night I realized that my interview was today. I began to second guess myself on preparation. I ended up staying up until about 4:00am because I couldn't go to sleep! I feel really silly now that I was freaking out. So I decided to give myself some me time before my interview. I told the D-Fam that I would talk to them after my interview and got some food. After I ate, I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to freak out anymore. Now, how would a P hopeful calm themselves? Watch Disney videos on youtube of course! I filled my head of the Citizens of Hollywood. Theres something about Bucky Greenhorn that really just puts me at ease. In the middle of "Here comes another joke" My phone began to ring! I closed my window immediately and answered! The time was 3:05! So 5 minutes late, but because I was enjoying my videos I didn't even notice! Christine was my interviewer. She was very sweet and extremely helpful. So all of the normal things were asked about eligibility and such and onto the questions!To begin the interview, Christine asked why I wanted to work for the Walt Disney World College Program. Honestly, I cannot remember what I said. I know I said something to the effect dealing customer service but I think this is where my nerves were so it was a blur. First thing she asked (that I remember) was about my current job. I work at a childrens theatre where I teach a range of children from ages 2-18. I explained what I do as my title position and what my duties include. After that she asked me what my favorite part about my job is. I replied by telling her my students are my favorite part. They are the reason I go to work and the relationships I have with each of them are extremely unique. I also told her that they are one thing I will miss most on the program! She then proceeded to ask me what the most difficult thing about my job would be. That would be our technical rehearsals. Our staff is up at the theatre from 8-12 hours a day working on set, costumes, lights, sound, and anything else along with teaching our kids! It is very stressful but that is when our hard work pays off. She then asked me about living with others and what might be a problem I would face. I told here that I used to live with 3 others for a full year and the one thing that was always difficult was mess. But I said that the only way to fix the problem was to talk about it and create and agreement on cleaning that was good for everyone. I was then asked if I would be comfortable doing QSFB or custodial. I told her no because I have worked in the food industry before and it just wasn't for me. I also added that I thought my skills would be more useful in the 8 other roles I listed. We then discussed Entertainment. I told her that I have had 10 plus years of acting experience and fell very comfortable in front of crowds. Not only that but it is my major! I was then asked what my favorite part of theatre was. I explained that learning and understanding how different characters act. I find it very interesting and I love understand why others do different things and what motivates them to do certain things. I also told her no matter what I play on stage, I always make sure I have those motivations, no matter if I'm a lead or a chorus member. Attractions was next! She asked me what the longest thing I had to memorize. Surprisingly enough it was not for theatre! I had an English class where I had to memorize Julius Caesars speech. For those who don't know that speech, it is incredibly long! We the jumped over to Bibbity Bobbity Boutique Hostess. She asked me if I had any experience in styling hair. I told her I had no professional experience but that since I work at a theater, I am asked sometimes to help with hair and makeup. I then received the question about what would I do if someone was hesitant about getting their hair done. Let me just say, this was the best answer I gave for my interview and I am still REALLY proud of it! I told Christine that Fear stems from the unknown. Normally when someone is scared its because they do not know what is to come. With that said, I explained that I would tell them what would happen from beginning to ending so they wouldn't be fearful of what would happen. I'm assuming we moved to merchandising because she asked me what kind of experience I had with cash handling I have had. I've worked in so many different retail store that I have had plenty of experience! She also asked me if I have ever had to count back to customers when dealing with change. And I have for a couple of jobs in the past. My last question was about how I have made a guest feel special. I told her the story about when I worked in a Halloween store. This littler girl and her dad came into the store looking for a Princess costume. They had been looking all over town and we actually had them in stock. We went to the section, and we were out of her size. She became very upset, and I hard to make sure that I fully did what I could to please them. I went to the back honestly expecting to not see anything remotely close to a Princess costume. To my surprise, there was one laying in the back! I grabbed it and ran back out into the store and got really really excited for her. This must have been a good story because she actually sounded impressed (at least I think so!)

All in all my interview went well. I am still second guessing myself. Not on a question, but if I smiled enough while I was on the phone! I'm sure I did...but I'm still not sure! Anyways! Thats my super long blog. If you have an interview coming up for the CP, BREATHE! It helps so much! Its really not that bad. Answer them to your best ability and you shall do well! With that, It is VERY late and I must get some rest! School, work, and rehearsal tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And At Last I See The Light

So obviously applications have gone out and everyone seem to have passed their web-based interview. I totally knew everyone would!

Now I didn't want to just blog about applications...Cause I want there to be more in my blog than this is what happend today.

So I have been wanting to see Tangled since I heard about it a couple of years ago. This was when they were thinking of casting Kristin Chenoweth in the part of Rapunzel. After seeing the movie, I can't imagine Kristin doing the role. Mandy Moore was amazing. Her voice is far more pure and innocent than Kristin's. Don't get me wrong! Kristin is like my idol, but I think this was Mandy's role to begin with. Alan Menken did an AMAZING job with the music in this movie. I honestly feel that this was a, "Oh my God. Disney is back!" kind of movie. Now like any other girl, I have always been in love with Princesses from a early age (3 to be exact. Ariel was my first Princess). However, I never have been able to look at a Princess and say, "That's me on screen!" I can finally say that I have found a character that I can fully identify with. I mean when Rapunzel goes outside for the first time, she is SUCH a spaz! Like even more than she was when she was by herself. I mean come on guys! Does that not SCREAM Hillary to you?! I also feel like her by being stuck in my small town for my entire life, "Waiting for my life to begin" if you will. This movie came out at the most opportune time as well. The quote at the end of my blog is my new motto for the College Program. It honestly speaks exactly how I feel about the journey that I will soon take. I am so excited and scared all at the same time. I am so blessed for everything to have happened the way it has and I feel so much stronger than before because of Tangled.

Rapunzel: I've been looking out of a window for eighteen years, dreaming about what I might feel like when those lights rise in the sky. What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be? 
Flynn Rider: It will be. 
Rapunzel: And what if it is? What do I do then? 
Flynn Rider: Well,that's the good part I guess. You get to go find a new dream. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

If It's Not Baroque Don't Fix IT!

Oh no, Its broken alright. Ok so last night almost immediately after I got off Skype, I was getting ready for bed. My cat(Yes the one with the Hitler stache) like to take her crazy tears around the apartment at this time. So My computer was on the side of my bed, when she ran across my best and STRAIGHT into my computer. I FREAKED out and immediatly checked on my computer (because the cat didn't even know she hit anything, she just kept running around....there's something loose in her noggin I tell you.) I tried to turn it on...Nothing. I took the battery out(several times)....Nothing. I shook the computer a little and it sounds like there are components loose inside. Soooo GREAT. I'm about to go tell my Dad so I can get it fixed ASAP. I really hope its not gone for good....caaaause I kinda use it for everything. So at the moment I am on the desktops in our computer lab....Not cool. I even checked to see if they had Skype....They don't. So I'm not going to be able to Skype or Tokbox for a while. I REALLY hope something happens before applications! I want to be able to support you guys as well as get support! So that is how my night went. An epicly crazy cat ruined my laptop. I will come up to school to get on fb chat maybe...but I don't like being in the computer lab late at night....there are some creepers here at night. So I just wanted to let you guys know what was up and why I will be MIA. Super lame, I know.

Monday, January 10, 2011

To My New Beloved D-Fam

I do realize its really freaking late and that I have school tomorrow but I wanted to take the time to let you all know how extremely happy I am to have met all of you guys. You all have been so welcoming and I love you so much for that. Never have I felt this welcomed by anyone. I have never made friends really easily. I know I'm sure that is EXTREMELY hard to believe but when I was young up until high school I didn't have any friends. I was weird and noone fully understood me. Even in high school I could count my friends on one hand. College has broadened my friends but I still just have some friends close to me and everyone else I don't see very often. For the first time, I have a group ( A GROUP!) of people I talk to every day or check in on. You have no idea how much it means to me to have you guys there, to be included in jokes, or if I miss something I am let in on whatever is going on. Everyday that gets closer to next fall makes me more and more excited because I really feel as if this is what I am meant to do. Not because it's my dream, but because I have people who accept me for who I am and who will be there with me in that journey that I'm looking forward to. I love you my D-fam and I just wanted you guys to know how much you really mean to me. Now, it is late and I must get some sleep before my big day tomorrow! Thanks again guys. I care about you so much. Never ever forget it!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Work Your Cares Away Worries For Another Day!

As I mentioned before, I would take some time to talk about my place of business. Its a place that is very near and dear to my heart. So here we go!

I work in a little place called San Angelo Broadway Academy. Its probably one of the most inspiring place in my town. We teach dance, theatre, voice, and art to kids all over our town. We also put of 4 full scale performances every year, 2 of which the rehearsal periods are 3 weeks long! We also have a traveling company of about 20 kids who are versed in many different kinds of performance. What I do at my job, I teach 2 classes (Creative Dance and Improv) I am also the manager for the traveling company, I run lights for the shows, I help keep rehearsals focused as well as help with direction, and I also am dance captain for most of our shows. WHEW! I do a lot for our company and I am so proud to be a part of it. But the best part is by far the relationship I have with many of our students. They are some of the most ambitious and talented kids I have ever met. I look at so many of them and know that they are going to go places in life. They are the reason I would do my job without getting paid. They are the reason I have courage in myself to shoot for my own dreams. They are the reason I put my best foot forward to be the best person I can be. I have never felt so strongly for a group in my whole life, and I am proud to say that I am part of that family. SABA will be the hardest thing to walk away from when I go to Disney. I will miss them all dearly and wish I was there to help them through their next audition, next rehearsal, or next performance. I say that Disney is my life, but in all reality, those students are my life.

To any student reading this, I want you to know that you are talented. I believe in you more than I believe in myself sometimes. You achieve more than I ever have been able to. Just know that I love you and nothing will ever change that. I know the staff can get frustrated when everyone isn't focused but that never changes the fact that I believe in you. Know that I will always be here for you for whatever reason it may be; Theatre related, or personal. I may not know the right answers for somethings but I will support you no matter what.

Ok I'm done gushing. I'm off to get a klenex!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tag! You're it!

So this is the embarrassing story tag! Here goes!

When I was in 6th grade, I had a crush on this red headed boy next door to me. we would play all the time down our alley and in each others backyards. We made a clubhouse and everything! It was pretty adorable if you ask me. So one day we were playing and I was having so much fun that I didn't want to leave for anything...including going to the bathroom. So we were jumping on the trampoline and I was trying to "contain" myself but Corey (the redhead) was making me laugh really hard. But it wasn't until he bounced me high into the air that I relived myself. I immediately stopped jumping and said, "I have to go." And ran home. I still to this day have no idea if he knew I accidentally peed my pants, but still. I didn't go over for a couple of weeks.

And that is my embarrassing story about the little red head who lived next to me.

I will now tag Cameron Hance and Patrick Wisniewski!!!!
You're it!

How do you do and shake hands!!!

State your name and business! Well alright then! If you insist. I would be what you call a Hillary. Kind of bubbly, kind of bouncy, and all around pretty amazing I'd like to add. I've lived in the same small Texas town my entire life. Well its not that small....because its actually the biggest city without an interstate running through it. So that's fun! Our city refuses to grow and change. Silly republicans! I however love me some change. Hence my choice to move to Florida and live out a dream of mine. Working in Disney World. I've been to Disney a total of 4 times and Disneyland once (but i don't remember because i was 3). I remember watching the 3:00 parade the second time I went thinking to myself, "I have to do that." It was always in the back of my head but I never really knew how to go about it. Until my 9th grade year, someone told me about the college program and said they knew people who had been CP's. From then on its been my personal goal to get to be a CP. I believe I would be pretty fantastic as a CP in either Attractions or Entertainment. Exibit A! That mermaid in that picture, that would be me. I have been doing children's birthday parties for almost 2 years now, and it is one of the greatest joys of my life. Now I do understand how impossible it is to become a face character as a CP, but for entertainment it just gives me more experience in performing as a Disney whatever! Now that isn't all the experience i've had with performing. I've been involved with theatre for over 10 years as well as dance for 20! Now  for attractions, I don't have any said expirience running rides and such. but put me in a place with an atmosphere and I can work it so well (did I mention I teach improv?). So thats my Disney story more or less. I was about to go on and tell you about my job, but I'm going to save that for my next blog. You always need stuff to talk about, and my job is one of the wonderful things I would love to write about!

My vlogs
Ask me something!
Tweet Tweet!
Some picture to keep you occupied...

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Beginning.

And so, it starts. A lot of people have been posting their blogs on Facebook and such for a while, I have been a little reluctant to start one. Why you may ask? Well, I didn't want to do the same thing everyone else was doing. I want my journey to be a horse of a different color. I thought to myself how can I make it different so its not "just another WDWCP blog?" But then I realized, it won't be the same. My footprint will be unique and won't be the same as yours. We all have different stories, lives, personalities, and relationships. Thats what makes a blog interesting. Learning about other peoples thoughts and ideas on different journeys of their life. So I wanted to begin something for myself. To allow others to see how my journey plays out. Now, do realize that my blog will have Disney glimmers here and there, but it will also have thoughts of my goings ons. Of course it is My Life (with a splash of Disney). Which means it could be a BIG splash or little ones on the way. Basically whatever inspires me to write. So this was more of an introduction to my blog. Not to me, that will be my next blog. A peek in the life of lil' old me. And thus I shall leave you with a Walt Disney quote that everyone knows.

"To all who come to the happy place, Welcome."